Kelsi Dagger Brooklyn
by Seed Agency
about Seed Agency.
Seed is a strategically driven design agency focused on creating impactful, human-centered brand experiences.subscribe to our insights.
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What does is mean to “help brands be their best inner selves” once the brand positioning is set?
There is an important overlap between brand strategy, culture, and team management. Once a new brand positioning is established, it’s only as good as the structures and people who integrate and practice it. A fully functioning brand needs to work on the outside, for your customers, and on the inside, …read more +
Yay change! Your DIY Brand Audit Starts Here.
“Change is the only constant.” Said Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher. His wardrobe might not still work today but his thinking is spot on. This guide is intended to help you embrace change and leverage your knowledge and goals into a more powerful and effective marketing plan. Take some time (we …read more +
On being a horrible branding client.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “We learn something new everyday.” I agree. Today I have learned that I am a horrible client. Why? Read on, dear friend. When working with clients to build or rebuild brands, we start with a workshop to discover everything we can about where our client is …read more +